Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Extreme Rewards - Big Announcement Tonight!

Hello everyone. Tonight there is going to be an absolutely huge conference call that you won't want to miss.

Tonight, Extreme Rewards will announce the new product in their product line-up. The hype is high but I am keeping my expectations in check. I have been seriously disappointed by past product launches in an old business back in the day.

I am a little excited though. I just hope it's a product that has mass appeal, is consumable, and is cost effective. I really don't like paying for over-priced product.

No matter what the new product is, we still have EnviroMax Plus. My old truck is just loving EnviroMax Plus and I'll be using it in all of my engines for as long as it's available.

Tonight's Conference Call is at 10pm est. The number to call is (212) 990-8000 and the pincode is 6175#. I'll hear you there!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I would like to take a brief moment to wish each and every one of my readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Enjoy the time you get with your family. I know many of you only get to see your family on the holidays. Make some memories that will last forever.

Today, we are headed over to My Better Half's family for a Christmas Gathering and a big meal. There will be food and presents for all.

The only bad thing about Christmas is that it's only a one day break!

Enjoy, make memories, and have a Merry Christmas.

Talk to you all soon.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Second Fill-up Using The EnviroMax Plus Fuel Catalyst. Extreme Rewards Works!

Hello folks. I hope everyone is having an excellent Sunday. I used today to get caught up on a few things, including my long awaited video, my 2cd fill-up with the EnviroMax Plus fuel catalyst.

It's official. I received nearly a 20% increase in my gas mileage from my first tankful of treated gas. I am excited by my findings. My truck continues to run with a pep that I haven't felt in a long time. You might as well call EnviroMax Plus a tune up in a bottle!

I am very excited by what Extreme Rewards offers us. This company has a bright future and I am on board for the long haul. I am building a team of motivated internet network marketers that are all focused on pushing Extreme Rewards into full blown momentum.

If you are interested in joining my team, Click here!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Price Of Gas And The Effect It Has On The Extreme Rewards Home Business Opportunity

Wow! The price of gas has sure been dropping lately. Here in Northfield, VT, gas is selling for $1.84 a gallon. What effect do these rapidly dropping prices have on Extreme Rewards?

As far as I can tell, not too much.

Even if gas drops to $1.50 a gallon, and you are receiving just 10% fuel economy increases from EnviroMax Plus, your EMP is still free.

EnviroMax Plus has many other benefits on top of the increased fuel economy too. Improved performance, reduced emissions, a cleaner engine, and reduced maintenance costs can all be attributed to using EnviroMax Plus in every fill-up.

The price of gas won't stay so low very long. As the price climbs higher again in the coming months, the fuel economy savings from using EnviroMax Plus will increase. At $4.00 a gallon, you can save as much as 12x what you invested into the EnviroMax Plus.

If you haven't checked out Extreme Rewards and EnviroMax Plus, I encourage you to do so. I am an active Member and I am very busy building a Team of like-minded people that would like to save money on gas, and make money by helping other people save money.

You can save money by using EnviroMax Plus, you can make money by helping other people save money by using EnviroMax Plus. That's my message for today.


Live Conference Call tonight. Very important call that all Members and prospects should attend. 10 pm EST (7 pm PST) (212) 990-8000,or (212) 990-4000, or (212) 990-2300 Pincode 6175#