Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Extreme Rewards - Big Announcement Tonight!

Hello everyone. Tonight there is going to be an absolutely huge conference call that you won't want to miss.

Tonight, Extreme Rewards will announce the new product in their product line-up. The hype is high but I am keeping my expectations in check. I have been seriously disappointed by past product launches in an old business back in the day.

I am a little excited though. I just hope it's a product that has mass appeal, is consumable, and is cost effective. I really don't like paying for over-priced product.

No matter what the new product is, we still have EnviroMax Plus. My old truck is just loving EnviroMax Plus and I'll be using it in all of my engines for as long as it's available.

Tonight's Conference Call is at 10pm est. The number to call is (212) 990-8000 and the pincode is 6175#. I'll hear you there!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I would like to take a brief moment to wish each and every one of my readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Enjoy the time you get with your family. I know many of you only get to see your family on the holidays. Make some memories that will last forever.

Today, we are headed over to My Better Half's family for a Christmas Gathering and a big meal. There will be food and presents for all.

The only bad thing about Christmas is that it's only a one day break!

Enjoy, make memories, and have a Merry Christmas.

Talk to you all soon.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Second Fill-up Using The EnviroMax Plus Fuel Catalyst. Extreme Rewards Works!

Hello folks. I hope everyone is having an excellent Sunday. I used today to get caught up on a few things, including my long awaited video, my 2cd fill-up with the EnviroMax Plus fuel catalyst.

It's official. I received nearly a 20% increase in my gas mileage from my first tankful of treated gas. I am excited by my findings. My truck continues to run with a pep that I haven't felt in a long time. You might as well call EnviroMax Plus a tune up in a bottle!

I am very excited by what Extreme Rewards offers us. This company has a bright future and I am on board for the long haul. I am building a team of motivated internet network marketers that are all focused on pushing Extreme Rewards into full blown momentum.

If you are interested in joining my team, Click here!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Price Of Gas And The Effect It Has On The Extreme Rewards Home Business Opportunity

Wow! The price of gas has sure been dropping lately. Here in Northfield, VT, gas is selling for $1.84 a gallon. What effect do these rapidly dropping prices have on Extreme Rewards?

As far as I can tell, not too much.

Even if gas drops to $1.50 a gallon, and you are receiving just 10% fuel economy increases from EnviroMax Plus, your EMP is still free.

EnviroMax Plus has many other benefits on top of the increased fuel economy too. Improved performance, reduced emissions, a cleaner engine, and reduced maintenance costs can all be attributed to using EnviroMax Plus in every fill-up.

The price of gas won't stay so low very long. As the price climbs higher again in the coming months, the fuel economy savings from using EnviroMax Plus will increase. At $4.00 a gallon, you can save as much as 12x what you invested into the EnviroMax Plus.

If you haven't checked out Extreme Rewards and EnviroMax Plus, I encourage you to do so. I am an active Member and I am very busy building a Team of like-minded people that would like to save money on gas, and make money by helping other people save money.

You can save money by using EnviroMax Plus, you can make money by helping other people save money by using EnviroMax Plus. That's my message for today.


Live Conference Call tonight. Very important call that all Members and prospects should attend. 10 pm EST (7 pm PST) (212) 990-8000,or (212) 990-4000, or (212) 990-2300 Pincode 6175#

Sunday, November 30, 2008

You Need Very Little Money To Start Network Marketing Online

How much money is it going to cost you to operate a Network Marketing home business today?
To get started in a network marketing business is going to cost you anywhere from $10 to $1000's of dollars. After that, you will be required to buy a certain amount of product every month to stay active and be able to earn money.

What does it take beyond that though. What do you need to make your home based network marketing business grow?

It boils down to just 3 tools that you absolutely need for success. You need you, you need your computer with internet access, and you need a phone.

You can continue to invest in yourself and increase your worth, but you didn't pay anything for yourself.

A computer with internet access. You can get by with a $300 computer if you had to, but get upgraded to a computer with the works as soon as you can. A great computer can cost you $1000's of dollars, but you should be able to get a pretty good one with everything you need for about $1000. Internet access is going to cost you about $40 a month. If cable is available, get that. DSL is a decent alternative. Whatever you do, don't get dial-up. Dial-up is terribly slow.

Your phone. Cell phones, land-lines, and VOIP, are all phones that will work for you in your business. Be aware of long distance charges though. In an online business, you'll be making quite a few long distance calls.
I use Vonage. You get unlimited long distance and all the bells and whistles for under $30 a month. Great stuff.

Other than the initial start-up cost of under $500 in most cases, the monthly qualification order of $100 in most cases, you really don't have to invest a lot in your new business. There's a pretty good chance that you already had a phone and a computer before you thought about starting your home based network marketing business.

If you haven't done so yet, find a network marketing company that you can believe in, find a leader in that company that is willing to help you succeed, and get started.

Your success depends on it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quickie Update!

It's been over a week now since I last filled up. I'm down to about half a tank of gas right now. I will probably go for a fill-up on Thursday before we head over to the big family gathering.

My old truck has been running great. The bucking, popping, and skipping when it's cold has been just about completely eliminated. The old truck has more power now than it's had in the past 3 years.

I'm going to go ahead and say that EnviroMax Plus is worth the cost, just for the performance increases I have noticed so far.

Would I buy this product if there wasn't an income opportunity involved. Yes, I would.

More soon. Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My First Fill Up Using EnviroMax Plus

Here is a video I shot today of my first fill-up using EnviroMax Plus.

I learned today to be sure the little blue insert stays in the bottle before dumping the EnviroMax Plus in. I'm glad I was using only a 2oz. bottle, as it nearly emptied in a second. My first dose is nearly twice the recommended amount so I am not expecting a great mileage increase form this tankful.
I did notice that my truck was running much smoother and had a bit more power today. That's great, because my little hotrod usually sputters and bucks when it's cold, and it was pretty chilly today.
Stay tuned as I continue to report my results from using Enviromax Plus with every fill-up.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Expecting My Shipment Tomorrow!

I received my tracking number in an email for my order of EnviroMax Plus. I am supposed to get it tomorrow. That's just 6 days from the day I joined!

I can't wait to put EnviroMax Plus to the test! My truck has a baseline of 16mpg as it runs today. There's definitely room for improvement. My old truck has 199,500 miles on it. It's an old fleet truck from the company that I work for. It sputters when it's cold but a good dose of injector cleaner has been working. I have been running a bottle of injector cleaner every few fill-ups. This should be another cost I can eliminate once I start running EnviroMax Plus in my fuel.

I ran my last bottle of injector cleaner 4 fill ups ago, and the bucking and sputtering are coming back. This will be another good test for EnviroMax Plus.

I'm getting excited. EnviroMax Plus has been tested and proven by others. I just want to present as comprehensive a look at EnviroMax Plus and Extreme Rewards as I can. It's my story, from the beginning, from now on.

Many people will find this blog as they are doing their due diligence about this opportunity. I hope the information you find here helps you.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Am All Signed Up With Extreme Rewards

Today is the big day. I signed up with Extreme Rewards and am very excited about my new venture. Some time next week I should receive my package of EnviroMax Plus and begin to save money. I'll be tracking everything and will be posting all results here on this blog.
I've spent more than a month now researching Extreme Rewards and I feel pretty confident about both the company and the product. I can't wait to see the results for myself.
I am going to start promoting Extreme Rewards immediately. They've done the testing. Over 13 years of the product being used proves that it works. I am very excited about this opportunity and look forward to many years of helping people make money, by saving money with EnviroMax Plus and Extreme Rewards.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hello and Welcome

It's my first post to my new Extreme Rewards/EnviroMax Plus blog. At this time, I am not yet a member of Extreme Rewards. I actually will be signing up this Saturday, November 8th, of 2008.

I have spent the past three weeks soaking up all of the information I could find about Extreme Rewards and EnviroMax Plus. I have come to the conclusion that I have to do this. EnviroMax Plus has been proven to work and has been tested in a couple of different independent labs.

Over the next several months, I will post all of the data from my personal usage of EnviroMax Plus in my 1999 Chevy S-10 2WD Pickup Truck. My truck has over 199,000 miles on it, but is an old fleet truck that was maintained very well.

I will be joining the top team in Extreme Rewards. The Extreme Team has several professional network marketers that have put the tools into place to allow anyone to succeed with this company.

After I join Saturday, you can expect this blog to be heavily advertised. I hope to share this opportunity with thousands of like minded individuals that are looking for a plan B in these tough financial times.

Not only can you save a lot of money by using EnviroMax Plus in your vehicles, you have the potential to make thousands of dollars a month by sharing this product with other people and how they too, can save money every time they fill up at the gas pump.

If Extreme Rewards and EnviroMax Plus peak your interest, you can start your research on this opportunity by checking out the links in the right hand column.