Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Price Of Gas And The Effect It Has On The Extreme Rewards Home Business Opportunity

Wow! The price of gas has sure been dropping lately. Here in Northfield, VT, gas is selling for $1.84 a gallon. What effect do these rapidly dropping prices have on Extreme Rewards?

As far as I can tell, not too much.

Even if gas drops to $1.50 a gallon, and you are receiving just 10% fuel economy increases from EnviroMax Plus, your EMP is still free.

EnviroMax Plus has many other benefits on top of the increased fuel economy too. Improved performance, reduced emissions, a cleaner engine, and reduced maintenance costs can all be attributed to using EnviroMax Plus in every fill-up.

The price of gas won't stay so low very long. As the price climbs higher again in the coming months, the fuel economy savings from using EnviroMax Plus will increase. At $4.00 a gallon, you can save as much as 12x what you invested into the EnviroMax Plus.

If you haven't checked out Extreme Rewards and EnviroMax Plus, I encourage you to do so. I am an active Member and I am very busy building a Team of like-minded people that would like to save money on gas, and make money by helping other people save money.

You can save money by using EnviroMax Plus, you can make money by helping other people save money by using EnviroMax Plus. That's my message for today.


Live Conference Call tonight. Very important call that all Members and prospects should attend. 10 pm EST (7 pm PST) (212) 990-8000,or (212) 990-4000, or (212) 990-2300 Pincode 6175#

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